So, here I sit on the last day before I become an employed nurse practitioner. A goal I have worked toward for the last 4 years after I went back to school to get my pre-requisites that I needed to start nursing school. Pre-requisites that my MS in Fashion Design didn't require!! (Not much microbiology, chemistry, A/P, statistics needed in fashion)!
I am quietly reflecting (as I drink coffee and listen to my Bulldog Harlan snore beside me) on the path that landed me where I am at this time in my life. Five years ago I was recently divorced with two children (ages 7 and 8), just went through the emotional distress of closing my beloved maternity and children's retail store of 11 years, trying to survive while teaching yoga and swallowing my pride to go to the state of KY and ask for food stamps and insurance for my children, starting community college to take classes required to apply for Vanderbilt School of Nursing, struggling with a new relationship, applying for VUSN, getting accepted to VUSN (incredible), selling the only home my children had ever known, moving our life to Nashville in a U-Haul and starting the nursing program that I often thought must have made a mistake when they accepted the country girl from Gilbertsville, KY with a degree in fashion design.... on food stamps and TN Care (probably one of the few at Vandy). So, here I sit on a Sunday morning with a lifetime of stories to tell about the triumph, tragedies, tears, turmoil and tenacity of pulling oneself from their bootstraps in order to stand tall again!
I am debating on how to spend my final eve of unemployment. My instinct says study, study, study for the unknown of the ER. My friends say relax, go in to work a clean slate tomorrow and enjoy my day , my dog says take me to the park and throw a ball. Maybe I will balance my day out with a little of each.
I have been blessed more than anyone can ever imagine. It hasn't been easy, and I don't expect it to get any easier (although a paycheck will certainly be a plus). But, it has certainly been eventful and the memories I have made can never be replaced!! I hope that someday when I am retired (only after my 174,000 in student loan debt is repayed) I can use these past 5 years of rebuilding my life (and my children's) as a tool to encourage others to NEVER GIVE UP!! Down DOES NOT mean out!!
Thanks to all of you for your prayers (especially when I would send out mass messages for prayer warriors during exams, boards etc), emails, cards and occasional care packages of food, money, clothes! I couldn't have gotten through the past few years without ALL of you and my faith in God!
Onward to the next chapter.....
Love to you all,
Dani Williamson MSN, CNM, NP-C
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"
Philippians 4:13