Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Amazing new book on Hashimoto's!!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
GMO's and your health! Best video I have seen on this deadly problem!!
This is HANDS DOWN the BEST video I have ever seen on the danger of GMO foods for our health. Take 18 minutes and watch this very personal story of learning the hard way about GMO foods and food allergies/sensitivities!
As a family NP in an integrative practice, we teach this daily to our practice! Enjoy and thoughts?
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Food Either Heals or Kills You....Choose Wisely!
Your Gut is the First Line Defense Against Disease:
Stop Killing Yourself with Fake Food!
For 20+ years I struggled
with bloating, gas, diarrhea (I know….not what you needed to know about me, but
hang with me, this really will be educational), joint pain (Diagnosed with
Lupus in the 1990’s), chronic urticaria that nearly drove me insane and left
lots of scars from scratching so badly on my arms, anxiety at night and fatigue. I have had 3 colonoscopies (the
first one alone at the age of 20 in college), 2 endoscopies, 2 barium swallow
tests and many visits to gastroenterologists in 3 different states. NOT ONE TIME did any MD EVER ask me,
“Dani, what do you eat? Do you take digestive enzymes before meals; do you take
probiotics after meals? Do you
know your food sensitivities?
It wasn’t until I started
work at Cool Springs Family Medicine over 4 1/2 years ago that I was asked those
questions above and found the answers that I had been searching for! 20+ years
of suffering, and being sick from FOOD started to disappear after I implemented
the anti-inflammatory healing process outlined later. When I did IgG serum
antibody testing for food sensitivities I had 29 out of 96 foods on it that
were inflaming my body and causing my symptoms. Eggs were the highest in
inflammation (I won’t be eating any of the eggs my chickens just started laying
today), yeast, milk, cheese and yes SALMON were on the list. Even healthy food, can be harmful for
you, if your body is inflamed.
Am I bitter and angry over all those years of what seems like
malpractice to me by provider after provider? NOPE, I have decided that those years of misery and being
sick from food and inflammation are exactly what I need to share with patients
daily to help set them on the healing journey they must begin to heal their
bodies as well.
I tell patients’ everyday in my own practice now that,
“Food either heals you or kills you, it’s your choice how you feel”. It’s not very nice, but it’s true. I
didn’t know anything about gut health for years and I accepted every
prescription the doctors gave me from Xanax, Librium, Nexium, Prilosec, Bentyl, Prozac etc….for irritable bowel syndrome and nervous stomach. I was told over and over that I just
needed to “calm down, relax, and not be so high strung”. They weren’t the ones
pooping their brains out after every meal and full of very unflattering gas
(most of the time before I ever left the restaurant). I was given multiple
prescriptions to treat the SYMPTOMS not the ROOT of the problem.
“The inside of the gut is
evident on the outside of our bodies” I heard a speaker talk about one
time. I believe that. If the gut is 75-80% of our immune
system and our gut is inflamed and toxic, then our largest organ in our body is
as well. Not only is the majority of the immune system located in our gut, so is 75% or more of the serotonin in our body! The neurotransmitter that helps with anxiety and depression.....no wonder the gut is called the second brain. Leaky gut happens when the
gap junctions of the gut are not tight from years of antibiotics, fake inflammatory
food, alcohol, stress, sickness etc. The toxins release into the
bloodstream. That release of
toxins causes the immune system to go haywire eventually and the basis for
illness. The GALT, also known as the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, lies just
below the lining of the gut wall.
This tissue is only one cell thick and specializes in immune structures
that are called Peyer’s patches and are loaded with the B and T immune
cells. Those cells are responsible
for recognizing and stopping harmful bacteria in the gut. It’s the Peyer’s patches that alert the
immune system to stop the pathogenic bacteria that is trying to pass through
the gut! When that system fails from years of abuse, then LEAKY GUT takes over
our body. The gut wall is the only
thing that stands between every nasty thing inside your gut and your
bloodstream! Disgusting to think about all the Captain Crunch, Pop tarts, TV
Dinners, Cheeto’s, Coke’s, Chocolate Icing from a can, Swiss Cake Rolls that I
have eaten in my lifetime just inflaming up my body by leaching out of a very
inflamed leaky gut!
4 ½ years have passed since
I started working on my leaky gut and joint pain. And I rarely have any GI
issues anymore, unless I eat those mushrooms that are on my list of
inflammatory foods! I have had salmon 2x in 4 years and both times in the
bathroom before the meal was over! That’s enough to make me a believer.
Below is a basic plan for
healing the gut and stopping the inflammation in your body. Research has shown that inflammation is
the root of most major chronic illnesses. Heart disease, atherosclerosis, DM,
Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease and the list goes on and on. The landmark book The Mood Cure The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today
outlines the research
that when you heal the gut the psychological symptoms of depression, anxiety,
etc. begin to lesson as your body absorbs the amino acids needed for balance.
The majority of the neurotransmitters needed for psychological health, are not
located in the brain….they are in the GUT!
Enzymes at the beginning of 2 meals a day. Enzymes break down food and help
close the leaky gut. They work
like an adaptogen by helping diarrhea and improving constipation we use Innate Response - Plant Enzymes 90 tabs or Enzalase from Master Supplements. 
Probiotics with
at least 20 billion flora per 14 strains of bacteria. These are alive and kept cold. Take them at the end of the
largest meal to inoculate that gut with all the good bacteria.
anti-inflammatory, real food diet.
Non-processed, no fake food. I tell people if it was made in a plant, it
is FAKE food! If you have to open it from a package, bag, can, box, tube, roll
etc. it is not real food. I rotated between a few probiotics like Innate Response - Flora 20-14 Probiotic 60c(F) [Health and Beauty]
, Theralac and Tru Flora from Master Supplements.
1. Metagenics 10 day ULTRA CLEAR RENEW Metagenics - UltraClear RENEW Original (21 svgs)
2. Paleo Diet, Mediterranean Diet, The Virgin Diet The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days
Alletesse: www.foodallergy.com
Health and healing is a full
body process. It takes mental,
physical, emotional, spiritual health working together in harmony. And when any of these are off, the
whole system is interrupted. I myself am a work in progress, am not where I
need to be, but am so much better than were I was! Exercise, community with
people I adore and respect, clean diet and lots of laughing have given me my
life back and I wouldn’t eat a POP TART now for any amount of money! It’s not
rocket science, the Bible taught us that our body is a temple…treat it like
one! NO excuses….JUST DO IT! Start
today, you won’t be sorry!
Dani Williamson, MSN, CNM, FNP
Integrative Family Medicine
330 Mallory Station Road Suite B3
Franklin TN 37067
615-944-3530 Scheduling
615-550-2641 fax
330 Mallory Station Road Suite B3
Franklin TN 37067
615-944-3530 Scheduling
615-550-2641 fax
Twitter: @npdani
Inside Out~Healing From Within Facebook
Twitter: @npdani
Inside Out~Healing From Within Facebook
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Lessons from the Integrative Healthcare Symposium 2012: Day 1
I have been in NYC at the ihsymposium.com (Integrative Healthcare Symposium) for the second year in a row! And again I am in awe at the overwhelming knowledge of functional medicine that is present in on place! Some of the most famous leaders, trail blazers, scientist, practitioners are leading sessions that are packed with not only evidence based medicine but clinical experience that one can only gain from years or practice!
Dr. Jeffery Bland started off the conference today with a comment that went something like this: "What happens when patients get the correct care (traditional treatments and pharmaceuticals) but don't improve? Time after time after time after time....that's when they show up at our office to try functional (integrative, holistic, natural) medicine and oftentimes begin to improve their quality of life. And I can vouch from my short 3 years of experience, that patients don't show up at our office who feel well! We are generally the last resort for many chronically ill patients!
The resounding theme at this conference is heal the gut, decrease the inflammation in your body! When you begin to decrease inflammation in the gut you begin to decrease inflammation in the entire body.
On average MD's get 12-16 hours of nutrition education in medical school. This is one of reasons that I feel traditional practitioners are not encouraging patients to clean up their diet and decrease inflammation. As an NP I can vouch we didn't get much education on nutrition as well. It is our job to stop out of the box and begin to help our patients heal from within. In defense of practitioners that don't discuss nutrition with patients, they don't know what to say! Fair enough, but I believe that patients are searching for practitioners that have stepped out of the box on their own and have "unlearned" all that was learned in school about chronic disease!
Stay tuned to start learning ways to decrease inflammation in the body!
Watch this video to learn some great evidence based medicine on the toxic effects of sugar!
I'll give you a hint now. If you are ready to start decreasing pain in your body then cut out the following foods from Dr. Hal Blatman MD and his http://www.blatmanpainclinic.com/ clinic!
1. White flour
2. White Sugar
3.White/red potato (1 medium potato = 1/2 cup sugar)
4. Fruit juice
5. Artificial sweeteners
6. Hydrogenated oils
Cut the above foods out and begin the road to a pain free life! More to come on ways to decrease inflammation and healing your body!
~Happy Healing,
Dr. Jeffery Bland started off the conference today with a comment that went something like this: "What happens when patients get the correct care (traditional treatments and pharmaceuticals) but don't improve? Time after time after time after time....that's when they show up at our office to try functional (integrative, holistic, natural) medicine and oftentimes begin to improve their quality of life. And I can vouch from my short 3 years of experience, that patients don't show up at our office who feel well! We are generally the last resort for many chronically ill patients!
The resounding theme at this conference is heal the gut, decrease the inflammation in your body! When you begin to decrease inflammation in the gut you begin to decrease inflammation in the entire body.
On average MD's get 12-16 hours of nutrition education in medical school. This is one of reasons that I feel traditional practitioners are not encouraging patients to clean up their diet and decrease inflammation. As an NP I can vouch we didn't get much education on nutrition as well. It is our job to stop out of the box and begin to help our patients heal from within. In defense of practitioners that don't discuss nutrition with patients, they don't know what to say! Fair enough, but I believe that patients are searching for practitioners that have stepped out of the box on their own and have "unlearned" all that was learned in school about chronic disease!
Stay tuned to start learning ways to decrease inflammation in the body!
Watch this video to learn some great evidence based medicine on the toxic effects of sugar!
I'll give you a hint now. If you are ready to start decreasing pain in your body then cut out the following foods from Dr. Hal Blatman MD and his http://www.blatmanpainclinic.com/ clinic!
1. White flour
2. White Sugar
3.White/red potato (1 medium potato = 1/2 cup sugar)
4. Fruit juice
5. Artificial sweeteners
6. Hydrogenated oils
Cut the above foods out and begin the road to a pain free life! More to come on ways to decrease inflammation and healing your body!
~Happy Healing,
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