I have taken a week to recoup, job search and simply zone out since I have been home from my 21 days in Haiti!! I have had an adjustment period that I didn't expect. I didn't expect to miss Haiti! I find myself missing the non-stop uncertainty of providing healthcare in such an unstable environment! I am already making plans to find a way back to continue what I started in Haiti....with that said, I am gathering supplies from anyone interested in helping me to send to the Maternity Clinic that Medical Missionaries operates in Thomassique. Before I left I met with the midwife assistant who was trained by the incredible organization Midwives for Haiti and we discussed the needs and wants of the clinic. As we compared our thoughts, it was comforting to know that her wants and desires for the clinic were exactly the same as mine! They are in need of basic supplies. The mothers are instructed to bring their own sheets, their own diapers, blankets, towels etc. Anything that is needed for labor and post partum. Many mothers arrive at the clinic with nothing but maybe a bucket (to use as a place to urinate etc.) and some food to eat.
It was clearly evident the moment I had my first delivery that there was a need to have basic supplies donated and kept stocked. The clinic has between 40-50 deliveries a month, therefore the need is continual and vast!! We discussed ways to keep a list and inventory updated so that hopefully, there is always an inventory of BASIC supplies! I am not talking about anything fancy here.
So, with that said: I am appealing to anyone that can to help me gather donations for this much needed cause! There is no mail service in Thomassique, therefore anything collected will have to be sent to Manassas VA to the Medical Missionary office and shipped from there. The two American Fellows will be returning in April to the states and have agreed to take some supplies back with them to Haiti until a sea container can arrive in a few months with the rest of the shipment!
I am including a list of what is needed. I have one friend (thanks Diana) who has a group of women in the Murray area making some blankets etc.!!
Supplies needed on a daily basis:
1. Receiving Blankets (all sizes needed)
2. NB diapers both cloth with pins or velcro and disposable
3. Sanitary pads for mom after delivery
4. Poise disposable panties (I had one in a package and that was it) or some kind of PP panty
5. Chuck's disposable pads used in L/D etc. for the delivery table and PP bed
6. Formula for the babies that can't/won't nurse or for other reasons
7. Towels, washcloths etc. for cleaning the NB after delivery
8. Twin sheets
9. NB outfits/hats/socks
10. I would love to make up NB packets with a blanket, diapers, outfit
These are the basic mother/baby needs of the clinic. There are other medical supply needs that I am working on.
If anyone wants to help me gather donations, pick up donations or make a donation (no donation is too small) just email me and we can get the ball rolling!!
My goal is to ship out the supplies by April 8 to VA! So my time on the first shipment is limited, but their will be many more shipments needed on a continual basis!!
Thanks for helping me with the much needed mission! We are so blessed in the US to have the luxury of all we have! And once again....I will never make a dent...but I am determined to make a difference!!
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